Wedding Worrier


Wedding centerpiece ii

In a reoccurring dream I am arranging and rearranging wedding reception centerpieces. Flowers here, candles there. No, that’s not right. Try again.

And again.

And again…

I wake up exhausted. And anxious.

I am, after all, the Mother-of-the-Bride.

But you can call me the “Wedding Worrier.”

Most of you probably know that our oldest daughter Emily is engaged to be married. We honestly couldn’t be happier. We love Morgan, and his family, and look forward to celebrating their Big Day the end of May. (To see a sweet video of his proposal, you can follow this link: )

My thoughtful friend Cathy recently gave me a book called It’s Her Wedding But I’ll Cry If I Want To: A Survival Guide for the Mother of the Bride. (She understands. Her daughter got married a little over a year ago.) I need this book. I definitely struggle in new situations like this, where I’m unsure of my role and its perimeters. Enter anxiety and frustration.

Yesterday I picked up another book and read these familiar words of Jesus in the fresh translation of The Message:

Look at the ravens, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the care of God. And you count far more. (Luke 12:24)

How this spoke to me! I tend to find security in the checklists and safety in the job descriptions. But God wants us to live free of all that, carefree in His care! And He does care!

Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance—but have you ever seen color and design quite like it?…If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?
(Luke 12:27a, 28)

Another talented friend had agreed to purchase and arrange the wedding flowers for us, but unfortunately had to bow out last week due to circumstances beyond her control. Emily and I were disappointed, to say the least. But reading this passage yesterday reminded me that our Creator God cares about little things like flowers, their colors and design. We don’t need to worry. We can trust Him to provide His beautiful best.

People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. (Luke 12:30-31)

I DO know God. I HAVE seen what He can do. So why do I fret and fuss as if He were not completely capable and in control? Like the loose tea in my morning pot, I need to “steep” myself in the reality of who He is. He is Jehovah Jireh, the God Who Provides. He will take the initiative to provide for every detail of this wedding, along with every other thing that concerns us.

Last night I meandered through a few stores, killing time while Laurel was at her youth worship team practice at church. I’ve been searching without success for an uncommon item we need for something we have planned as part of the wedding festivities. (Sorry to be so vague, but I risk the wrath of Emily if I reveal too much!) And there, perched alone on a shelf, was The Exact Item I had been looking for! It was as if God Himself had set it there for me to find!

But whether or not He actually placed it there, I knew in my heart it was a message from Him that Yes, He IS in the details and Yes, He cares. (Even about obscure, hard-to-find objects that I cannot at this time safely mention!)

So. Chances are you are most likely NOT currently neck-deep in Wedding Planning. But I wonder. What worries keep you up at night? What concerns preoccupy you during the day?

A line from a new favorite song on my WOW Worship CD goes like this:

I believe everything that You say You are. I believe and I have seen Your unchanging heart.”*

Putting our faith in WHO God is and WHAT He has done for us in the past will help us trust Him with the future and the things yet to be done.

He is aware. He cares. He will provide.

Join me in believing that the One who turned water into wedding wine can also turn worriers into…warriors.



*Lyrics are from “I Will Follow” by Jon Guerra. You can listen to it here: