Facebook Fast

Sometimes you just need a break.  So I’m “unfriending” facebook for the month of January.  In the three-plus years I’ve been on facebook I’ve never had the courage to unplug for more than a day or two. (And to be honest, those times only came when I was out of town and/or without Internet access.)  Maybe I have high inclusion needs, but I just hate the thought that I might be missing out on something important in people’s lives.

Two main concerns finally convinced me to  take a leap off of the facebook cliff:  1)  A cluttered mind.  Too much information = too much for this tired old brain to keep track of.  I am in need of a mental break!   2)  Unprioritized relationships.  Everyone gets equal billing on the facebook news feed.  Some of my closest friends and family members aren’t even on facebook, and it is too easy to neglect them.  I need to redefine and reinvest in my priority relationships. 

I thought keeping a journal might help me chronicle my progress.  You are welcome to follow along.  Facebook Fast:  Commence! 

Day 1:  Happy New Year!  I had to resist the urge to get on facebook multiple times today.  Yes, the addict is having her withdrawals.  I did feel I was productive and had more time to get things done around the house, though, like putting the Christmas decorations away.  I received one fb message via email from a friend asking for prayer for her wayward son, and it was nice to just concentrate on this one request throughout the day.

Day 2:  Woke up to an email from my close friend Sue, who, with her husband, an optometrist, serves in Africa.  Due to the sensitive nature of their work, they are not on facebook.  This is one of those priority relationships I feel I’ve neglected, and I really desire to be a better friend and correspondent.  I am excited to have the opportunity to put together a care package for her family this week!

Day 3:  I dreamt about facebook last night.  In the dream I was justifying the need to get on facebook because it was my birthday!  Woke up a little disoriented and had to remind myself that it is January, not May!  Oh. My. Word.  On a more serious note, I received an email this morning from a friend whose husband just decided to move out, leaving a devastated family behind.  And I have my prayer assignment for the day.

Day 4:  Took a short road trip to CO yesterday afternoon as a family to celebrate the wedding of the daughter of longtime friends.  Then enjoyed quality time with two friends today.  Not sure if having more time to meet with people is due to being off of facebook or just a function of still being on Christmas break, but regardless, I am thankful for these opportunities to connect and fellowship with others.

Day 5:  Today was the hardest day yet.  I really had to resist the urge to get on facebook to see what I’ve been missing.  I did have a good visit with a friend this afternoon.  I think the challenge for me is to focus on ‘quality’ over ‘quantity’ in my interactions with people right now.

Day 6:  My big accomplishment today was getting the care package assembled, wrapped up and driven across town to the folks who will be delivering it to our friends in Africa!  Woohoo!

Day 7:  One whole week without facebook!  But I’m not sure I’m really “resting” and “refocusing.”  I need to remind myself of the reasons for the fast.

Day 8:  Today we assumed Laurel’s homeschool P.E. class was starting back up after the break, only to discover we were mistaken after we had gotten dressed and driven over there.  I am realizing how much I rely on facebook for information.  But I could have just as easily texted one of the other moms to find out if we were having class.  On a positive note, the van needed gas and Laurel ‘needed’ donuts, so it wasn’t an entirely wasted trip!

Day 12:  The past few days have been busy, but good!  I still miss being on facebook.  But I do find that I am being more intentional about how I am using my time, and am seeking God more for His assignments for me each day.

Day 14:  My “assignment” today was to care for Rachel as she recovered from her wisdom teeth surgery.  Since she is definitely one of my “priority relationships,” I’m grateful for this opportunity to help and spend time with her while she heals.

Day 20:  I was able to help Rachel for two days, before I got hit with the flu.  It’s been a long week, and I’m still pretty miserable.  I haven’t left the house since Monday!  Talk about feeling isolated.  At times like this I miss the prayer support that facebook provides.

Day 29:  Only two more days and I can rejoin The Wonderful World of Facebook!  I hope to set some perimeters to keep it in its proper place in my life, and will give that some thought the next couple of days before I return.

Day 31:  Mission accomplished!  I’m glad I did it.  It was hard at times, but I did get a much needed mental break.  On the other hand, I realized that I do need to stay connected with people, that facebook is a tool that I rely on for that, and that’s ok. 

2 thoughts on “Facebook Fast

  1. Agreed…..I only go for a short time as well. I had a break down in October….too much…..way too much hitting me at once. My brother encouraged me to come back…….it is a relief not knowing things, enough going on in our own lives, but I appreciate as I have struggled you have been there with an encouraging word….always . My trusting is getting better….truly but still a walk of faith. 2012 has been filled with heartache, but in the midst God has given great joy as we continue to plow forward. All I have in hope is Him, my Savior and King….my Friend, my Hope.
    Thank you for just being…..

  2. Praying that 2013 is a year of restoration for you and your family. Thank you for opening up your life and heart to me. We aren’t built to carry these heavy burdens alone, are we? It was a privilege to intercede for you yesterday and I will continue to do so. Please keep me posted!

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